Language Service Standards

Language Service Standards

ASTM Certified: Setting the Standard in Language Services

Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification

Language Service Standards

ASTM International

ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.

Over 12,000 ASTM standards operate globally. The standards are defined and set by ASTM committees, which improve the lives of millions every day. Combined with innovative ASTM business services, these standards enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in the things they buy and use.

GLTaC has been a member of ASTM International for over 15 years and has worked on numerous committees defining standards for Language Service Companies (LSCs).

In fact, GLTaC is proud to have been the first Language Service Company (LSC) in the world to achieve the ASTM F3130-18 certification.

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Improving the Language Industry


In 2010, ASTM International formed Technical Committee F43 for Language Services and Products.

The subcommittees under F43 are as follows:

  • F43.01 Language Interpreting*
  • F43.02 Foreign Language Instruction*
  • F43.03 Language Translation*
  • F43.04 Language Testing*
  • F43.05 Language Services Companies*
  • F43.90 Executive
  • F43.91 Terminology
  • F43.95 ISOTC 232 Learning Services Outside Formal Education
  • F43.96 US TAG to ISO/TC37 Terminology and other Languages and Content

* Denotes a subcommittee creating a standard

As an active member of ASTM, GLTaC helped draft and pass a new standard under F43.05 to improve the language industry, which is referred to as F3130-18 on Language Services and Products for Language Service Companies. One of the ways we worked to do this was to help define what differentiates the Language Service Company (LSC) from the Language Service Provider (LSP). In the past, the two terms were used interchangeably, causing confusion. The LSP is the agency or individual actually doing the translation or interpreting. The LSC is usually the agency contracting with the LSP. The LSC provides project management, serves as the interface between the client and the LSP, and simplifies life for the client who is procuring the language services.

Those procuring language services played an essential role as active participants in drafting the standards under F43 to ensure the resulting credentials they specify when soliciting LSC bids to attract professional, reliable, and stable LSCs.

Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification
Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification

Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification

ASTM F3130-18 Certification

GLTaC is proud to have been the first Language Service Company (LSC) in the world to achieve ASTM F3130-18 certification by Orion Assessment Services.

“The new standard is the only standard that audits the stability, reliability, financial, and operational health of an LSC," commented Ms. Hei King, President of GLTaC. “I am proud of every member of the GLTaC team dedicated to always doing things better and more efficiently with client satisfaction as our top priority. Our ability to meet the requirements of ASTM F3130-18 reflects the investment we make in security, technology, and regulatory compliance. In receiving this certification, we demonstrate our commitment to running a professional, ethical, and dependable company.”

As the world’s leading supplier of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) translations, the work we do must pass rigorous reviews for not just technical accuracy but for compliance with a complex maze of hazardous material regulations.

View our ASTM F3130-18 certification below:

Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification.
Our ability to meet the requirements of ASTM F3130-18 reflects the investment we make in security, technology, and regulatory compliance.
Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification

About ASTM F3130-18

This standard practice specifies the basic policies, processes, procedures, and resources needed by a Language Service Company (LSC) to provide the quality services required by its clients.

The standard encompasses the LSC’s:

  • Operational health
  • Financial health
  • Insurance coverage
  • Adherence to the law
  • Client satisfaction
  • Ability to recruit and screen employees
  • Ability to recruit and screen independent contractors
  • Commitment to Quality Control (QC)
  • Commitment to Quality Assurance (QA)
  • Adequacy of IT resources (hardware and software)
  • Data and physical security

The objective of the standard is to provide a high degree of confidence that the LSC can deliver the service(s) covered in the certification over time that meet or exceed client expectations. Written with the participation of freelance linguists, language service purchasers, and language service companies, this new standard represents more than nine years of effort to bring a higher level of professionalism and recognition to the language industry.

Global Language Translations and Consulting (GLTaC): Language Service Standards, ASTM International, ASTM F3130-18 Certification

Join the ASTM F43 Committee

We encourage our clients to join ASTM F43 to participate in improving the language industry.

To inquire, call ASTM at 610-832-9551 or visit the ASTM website.


GLTaC is proud to have been the first Language Service Company (LSC) in the world to achieve ASTM F3130-18 certification.

GLTaC Credentials & Affiliations

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